development – Mack & Cheese Talking about Edmonton Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:05:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Talking about Edmonton Mack & Graham clean Mack & Graham (Mack & Graham) Talking about Edmonton Mack & Cheesedevelopment – Mack & Cheese Episode 29: Lots of projects underway in Edmonton! Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:56:12 +0000 In our 29th episode we have a discussion about the many exciting projects that are underway around Edmonton. New condo towers, hotels, and other projects are popping up all over the place. It’s one of our favorite topics – cranes dominating the skyline!

Where did all of the resources for these projects come from? What is the impact of our continued population growth? What does it mean for Edmonton to have so many projects underway? We discuss these questions and more.

Thanks for listening!

]]> 0 In our 29th episode we have a discussion about the many exciting projects that are underway around Edmonton. New condo towers, hotels, and other projects are popping up all over the place. It's one of our favorite topics - cranes dominating the skyline! In our 29th episode we have a discussion about the many exciting projects that are underway around Edmonton. New condo towers, hotels, and other projects are popping up all over the place. It's one of our favorite topics - cranes dominating the skyline! Where did all of the resources for these projects come from? What is the impact of our continued population growth? What does it mean for Edmonton to have so many projects underway? We discuss these questions and more. Thanks for listening! Mack & Graham clean 13:56
Episode 22: Suburban Disagreement Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:32:37 +0000 Forgive us as we catch up and post some episodes that were recorded nearly a month ago!

In our twenty-second episode we have a spirited conversation about the suburbs. After too many weeks of just agreeing on everything, we decided to pick a topic that would result in a little more back-and-forth!

With Graham defending the surburbs and myself (Mack) questioning our city’s continued outward growth, we discuss lifestyle choices, the cost of building and maintaining City infrastructure, infill development, and much more.

Do residential neighbourhoods pay for themselves? Is revenue distributed equitably across the Capital Region? Why shouldn’t our children have the same housing choices as we did? How do bigger cities manage their sprawl? Will we ever have a regional government in Edmonton? These are just a few of the questions that come up in this episode.

Thanks for listening!

]]> 2 Forgive us as we catch up and post some episodes that were recorded nearly a month ago! - In our twenty-second episode we have a spirited conversation about the suburbs. After too many weeks of just agreeing on everything, Forgive us as we catch up and post some episodes that were recorded nearly a month ago! In our twenty-second episode we have a spirited conversation about the suburbs. After too many weeks of just agreeing on everything, we decided to pick a topic that would result in a little more back-and-forth! With Graham defending the surburbs and myself (Mack) questioning our city's continued outward growth, we discuss lifestyle choices, the cost of building and maintaining City infrastructure, infill development, and much more. Do residential neighbourhoods pay for themselves? Is revenue distributed equitably across the Capital Region? Why shouldn't our children have the same housing choices as we did? How do bigger cities manage their sprawl? Will we ever have a regional government in Edmonton? These are just a few of the questions that come up in this episode. Thanks for listening! Mack & Graham clean 18:00
Episode 5: Horse Hill ASP Tue, 12 Mar 2013 02:40:17 +0000 In episode #5 we tackle the issue of land development in the northeast. City Council passed first and second reading of the Horse Hill ASP after a public hearing that took place on February 25 and 26.

The Horse Hill area encompasses approximately 2,770 hectares of land located north of Anthony Henday Drive, south and east of Manning Drive, and west of the North Saskatchewan River. The plan envisions five new neighbourhoods.

Do we need this development to take place? How does it fit into the bigger picture of Edmonton? Should opponents of urban sprawl focus their efforts on future land debates rather than this one? How can we ensure the Horse Hill area is developed properly? Those are some of the questions we discuss.

Here are some relevant links for this episode:

The Capital Region Board will now consider the plan before it returns to Council for third reading and final approval.

Thoughts? Feedback? Let us know!

]]> 0 In episode #5 we tackle the issue of land development in the northeast. City Council passed first and second reading of the Horse Hill ASP after a public hearing that took place on February 25 and 26. - The Horse Hill area encompasses approximately 2, In episode #5 we tackle the issue of land development in the northeast. City Council passed first and second reading of the Horse Hill ASP after a public hearing that took place on February 25 and 26. The Horse Hill area encompasses approximately 2,770 hectares of land located north of Anthony Henday Drive, south and east of Manning Drive, and west of the North Saskatchewan River. The plan envisions five new neighbourhoods. Do we need this development to take place? How does it fit into the bigger picture of Edmonton? Should opponents of urban sprawl focus their efforts on future land debates rather than this one? How can we ensure the Horse Hill area is developed properly? Those are some of the questions we discuss. Here are some relevant links for this episode: Horse Hill Area Structure Plan Receives Preliminary Council Approval Horse Hill ASP: More proof that Edmonton is addicted to sprawl Plan Horse Hill The Capital Region Board will now consider the plan before it returns to Council for third reading and final approval. Thoughts? Feedback? Let us know! Mack & Graham clean 15:23